Saturday, 26 September 2015

Inspirational music video: Brain - Banks

One of my favourite artists and music videos, Banks' 'Brain' has a really simple and effective use of colour and setting. The monochrome colour palette, with tinges of red later on in the video, looks elegant and helps highlight specific elements of the video; in this shot, for example, Banks' veil is given prominence as it stands out against the black background.

The circle border places emphasis on star image, which is something we would really like to replicate. The circle dimension also creates a somewhat abstract perspective and works very well with flashing symmetrical shapes, which we could replicate using flashing symbols in our own music video.

The video is edited to the beat really well; where the tempo picks up at the end of the song, the flashing images become more recurrent. This is another element we would like to try and achieve in our own video, as the instrumental parts of the song are jumpy and we would like our visuals to reflect this.

Here is the full video, in which all the fast paced shots of abstract imagery are given much more justice than in the screenshots above!

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