Monday, 9 November 2015

Inspirational music video: Running With the Wolves - Aurora

Aurora's 'Running With the Wolves' was thankfully shown to us in class by some of our peers in media. The wide establishing shot, showing the artist in the distance is really effective in creating the idea that her surroundings are enveloping her. The dimensions show her to be small and insignificant in the world around her, suggesting that she is vulnerable or unprotected. This links to our music video, where our protagonist is being stalked in the woods by a seemingly dangerous character; perhaps using a similar wide shot would reflect the idea that she is powerless in her situation.

The single take of a pan around the artist looks very effective here, as it creates the idea of gradual steadiness and reflects the artists/protagonists gain of potential. Using long takes and increasing the shot duration to emphasize certain aspects of our video could prove to be beneficial in creating star image.

The first shot of the predator in the video is out of focus, suggesting obscurity and uncertainty. We would like to mimic this, as our Big Bad Wolf is revealed to be Tayla herself - using depth of field in this way would create a similar effect, therefore the end of the video showing Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf to be the same person will be all the more shocking for our audience.

The creative directors have also made use of a forest location (similar to ours) whereby the natural light dappled onto the the artist while she is singing, makes her appear as a pure and ethereal being. The use of lighting really compliments the aim/message of the video which is 'giving you freedom and making you forget about your human self and all things we humans keep around us in the modern society'. This might be something to think about when the revelation scene at the end occurs.

Finally, the climax at the end of the video happens when the music stops; this is something we have discussed doing as it places a final emphasis on the message/ moral story of the video. In this case, it is the freedom being reached and people reconnecting with nature. In ours it will be to stop being afraid of the future, or rather embracing your womanhood.

The colour palette, use of setting, framing and varying depth of field heavily correlate with what we have in mind for our music video. The name of the song itself also links to our fairytale theme. Here is the full video, in which the smooth editing can be appreciated more clearly:

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