Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Ferdinand De Saussure: Semiotics/ Signifier vs Signified Theory

Here's a prezi made by Janadhi, one of my peers in media, which brilliantly explains Saussure's 'Signifier vs Signified' theory.

When applied to music videos, visual elements in the mise-en-scene often act as signifiers to create a certain atmosphere or mood, as seen below.

Describing the M3LL155X (or "Mellissa") as her "personal female energy", FKA Twigs created an audio-visual for 4 tracks featuring on her EP, which challenges gender norms and make bold feminist statements throughout. Saussure's theory can be linked to the video, as the audience can make clear connotations (from imagery in the video) about the creative direction of the artist and the message she was trying to convey in each song/video. 

"Figure 8"
Signifier = Michele Lamy styled as an Anglerfish
Signified = sexual dimorphism, the act of luring and possibly predation

"I’m Your Doll"
Signifier = deflated sex doll
Signified = female sexual objectification and submissiveness and the damaging effects of sexual and emotional intimacy
"In Time"
Signifier = pregnant belly
Signified = sexual politics and body ownership as a result of the misogynistic treatment she suffers

"Glass & Patron" (1)

Signifier = image of giving birth to coloured paint/cloth
Signified = birth of FKA Twigs' passion, metaphor for the creative process

"Glass & Patron" (2)
Signifier = red dancers outfit
Signified = new found femininity, developing sexual confidence

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