This dangerously trippy, seizure-inducing music video provides us with perfect editing inspiration.
As we have decided to frame Tayla in a circle with a black background, we need a layer behind the circle.
Some of the original footage of the concert in the 'Paris' video was edited in a kaleidoscopic fashion, creating a powerful circle of reflected images. We feel that this could be done with some shots of the trees in our video, to provide a visually interesting background for the border shots.
The video also incorporates images of big cats, in mirror-like shots. The Big Bad Wolf will not be presented explicitly in our video, so using a similar shot, we may be able to include an image of a wolf to introduce the concept/ narrative running through our video more clearly. Symbolism is also created nicely against a dark background in this video, which is something we would like to mimic.
The dark colour palette used is very effective in this video; with certain focal points of shots being illuminated with coloured filters, a deeply energetic atmosphere is created while the dark elements are retained. We feel that this reflects our song choice perfectly, as the atmosphere of the video is frightening but the song itself isn't entirely downbeat or heavy. The mirrored effect of the girls on the left could be represented in our own video, as the conflicting thoughts of our protagonist, where Little Red Riding Hood would be in the foreground and the Big Bad Wolf would be in the background.
Finally, the use of layering in the video is done perfectly, where the background on the left is skewed into a rotating pattern on the right. Using a similar transition could help to make the change of location in our video look less abrupt and possibly make our shots flow smoother.
Here is the full video, where the full range of shots are arranged using very fast paced editing:
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