Thursday, 10 December 2015

Fourth filming day: water shots

In our genre research, we found that one convention of indie music videos is the use of water. In order to conform with our genre, we have decided to explore how we can incorporate water into our video. Rhianne managed to get hold of a tank full of water, oil, paints and some food colouring. She filmed the water experiment and the results look brilliant! Here is a range of still shots from the footage, showing some of the different combinations:

The dissipation of food colouring also looks quite smokey, which ties in with our lyric 'smoke as black as charcoal'. Superimposing these shots onto our other footage, especially where Tayla is singing, could create the illusion that she is 'drowning' in her emotions. iMovie gives us full control of our shot colouration - this is a really useful tool, as we can match it to our colour palette and we won't need to refilm!

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