Sunday, 25 October 2015

Storyboarding: finished post-it note plan

Here is a picture of our storyboard(s), which we drafted onto post-it notes. This made it really easy for us to chop and change where each shot should go; we did this many times before deciding that the order above works best.
Storyboarding this year has been a very long process. All in all we used 9 A3 sheets to complete our storyboards, which take up a significant proportion of my bedroom wall. However, it has been extremely worthwhile storyboarding in this much detail - it has given us all a much clearer idea of what shots we need to take in each location and the rough duration of these shots, so that our filming days can be done as efficiently as possible.
We now have to copy up the post-it note illustrations onto our storyboards and create an animatic showing each shot in detail.

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