Friday, 16 October 2015

Costume/ prop research

We have done some research into the costumes we would like the characters in our music video to wear.
In the classic storybook illustrations, Little Red Riding Hood wears:
  • A red cape
  • A white dress
  • A small basket
We have decided that our protagonist will definitely be wearing a red cape and using a small basket. However, we have all voted against her wearing a dress.
This is because we would like to draw parallels between our two characters, as in the video, they are later revealed to be the same person. We must also take into consideration the time of year/ weather conditions - in a cold, wet, muddy forest, it is probably impractical for Tayla to wear a short dress.
We also voted against using an actual full wolf costume, as we felt it would look immature and unrealistic.

Here is an outfit plan for both of our characters:

We hope the that by using similar clothing for each, the audience will recognize the subtle similarities between the characters, making the message of our narrative much clearer.

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