Friday, 26 February 2016

Inspirational music video: Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant

Cigarette Daydreams has been a huge inspiration for us, especially in terms of post-production and narrative. Here is a short explanation of the video...

"Perhaps a search for a love by a woman trying to outrun her past? Ambiguity abounds as the film is a psychologically-fragmented story of yearning, memory, and desire. It counterpoints images of innocence and danger and revolves around a tour de force performance by the Parisian trained actress Juliette Buchs." -

Many close ups of the actress are used in the video, conveying  a range of emotions from nonchalance to anger. These shots are cutaways to various locations, suggesting a desire to escape. Particularly evident through the mirror shots, is the idea of self-conflict and a struggle to find peace within oneself. Such themes have helped us derive our own narrative for our music videos, and we hope to use similar mirror and close-up shots to portray this message clearly to our audience.

Insert shots are used, which are quickly cut in an almost montage-like fashion. Within the short shot duration(s), the audience are given brief enigmas (Barthes) about the narrative, however these are not tied together until the end of the video. The vintage shots, with an old age filter appear to be memories of the actress as a young girl, alluding to yearning or a loss of innocence. This is something we could think about in terms of editing pace. Perhaps using a vintage filter on some of our shots to create an old photographic look could aid the narrative progression of our music video. Although the colour palette of this video is predominantly monochrome, occasional full colour shots using a grunge filter can also be seen, enhancing important stages in the narrative.

The artists of the song also appear in the video, linking them to their narrative and introducing their identity, to familiarize themselves with the audience.

The final shots of the video serve as a revelation, where it is clearly shown to the audience, that the entity the actress has been running from is in fact herself, who she burns in a car as an attempt to finally escape from her past. We love the idea of inner-conflict as a narrative focus, and how the progression of it in this video is given as a set of ambiguous clues, leaving the audience to interpret their own meaning. We hope to think of a similar narrative, which satisfies the audience at the end of our video with a similar shot to the one below.

Here is the actual music video, where the range of shots and quick cuts can be fully appreciated:

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