Friday, 15 April 2016

Ancillary task: final magazine advert

Here is my finished magazine advert:

This product, like my music video and digipak, is targeted at female consumers of 16-24yrs of age. I have used the same simplistic design used on my digipak – the font, images and colour palette are all the same, creating synergy between all 3 products. I also researched indie magazines or other magazines which are typically consumed by our target audience, and featured their star ratings as this would be a good way of drawing in a wider market.

  • Dyer's Star image is woven throughout both of my ancillary tasks and the music video - by using the ‘corner’ shot from the music video on my digipak and magazine, the image to become more familiar or recognizable to a potential consumer or audience across a range of platforms, creating a lasting appeal. 
  • Saussure’s semiotics theory can be applied to my magazine advert, as the monochrome colour palette, smoky background and troubled expression on our performer’s face signifies the emotionally powerful style of music demonstrated in the track for our music video.

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