Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Andrew Goodwin's Music Video Theory

Goodwin's theory identifies 5 key aspects usually explored within a music video.

Genre characteristics including style and iconography, for example:

Rock video - stage performance
Rap video - bikini clad surrounding artist
Pop video - vibrant colours, lighthearted message
Inter-textual references may also be made, linking the video to other media texts
A relationship between the lyrics and visuals either illustrating, amplifying or contradicting them. Examples of this include:

A relationship between the music and visuals i.e editing to the beat, as demonstrated in...

 Multiple close up shots of the artist(s) - 'star image' is a term referring to the unique appearance of an artist, which recurs across their work. A great example of this is Lady Gaga:

The notion of 'looking' being either eye contact with the camera, or the portrayal of men and women as seductive. Miley Cyrus illustrates this...

Voyeuristic treatment of the female body in order to create sex appeal often helps sell the artists music e.g Nicki Minaj

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